Class 12

Welcome to Class 12!

Our Class teachers is Mrs Turnbull. Mrs Hinchliffe also supports in class.

We are a happy and enthusiastic class with lots of smiles and laughter. Our attitude to school and learning is OUTSTANDING! We love learning and try our very best every day so that we can be the ‘Best school in Rotherham and Indeed the World’!

A little side note…. Our door is always open so please don’t hesitate to pop in and see me. I can be contacted via the main school office, before or after the school day or using our year group email. 

Any questions please email:


Class 12 do PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please make sure you have your correct PE kit: white t-shirt, black shorts, black pumps . A tracksuit top and jogging bottoms can be worn for outdoor PE.

Children with long hair should make sure they have their hair tied up or a spare bobble provided. Earrings should be taken out or covered with micropore tape.


Homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in on the following Friday. One week the homework will be English based and the other will be maths based. It is important that your child completes homework as homework is a way to reinforce learning that has been done in class. 


In Class 12, we are all working hard to achieve our Reading Reward. To do this, we need to read at home as much as possible to get lots of Starbucks Reading tokens. To help your child earn their reading tokens, record this when you read with them at home. Please ensure that they read at least 3 times a week but remember…the more the better! Reading will be checked every Friday but school planners should be in school every day.


Every Friday spellings are collected, tested and a new set will be sent home.  You will find these in our school planners. It is very important that spellings are practised and transferred into writing.

Curriculum Booklets

New Collaborative Learning Trust
Ofsted Outstanding Provider Logo
The Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark
Working towards Artsmark Status
Rotherham Anti Bullying Award 2020/21 Gold
Operation Encompass Logo
National Online Safety Certified School
Silver School Mental Health Award
Healthy Schools Logo
Primary Careers Program
Proud to be Fredie, fairness in the workplace  Logo

Click here to contact us

New Collaborative Learning Trust New College Pontefract Logo New College Doncaster Logo New College Bradford Logo Wingfield Academy Anston Greenlands Primary School Redscope Primary School Thorpe Hesley Primary School