Welcome to Class 8!
I am extremely lucky to have 28 wonderful children in Class 8 this year. We are a fun, polite, hard-working class with a wonderful thirst for knowledge! We love to learn new skills and take on challenges to become our very best selves!
If you would like to get in touch, please contact the school office on 0114 2570153 or email us at THPYear2@nclt.ac.uk.
My door is always open if you should need anything at all!
Mrs Caborn x

Our Wonderful Staff

Class Teacher – Mrs Caborn
I am Mrs Caborn, the lucky teacher who gets to teach in Class 8 this year. I have been working in Year 2 for seven years and have loved every minute of it!
I love to read, draw and dance and love anything related to Harry Potter and Hocus Pocus!
You may remember me as Miss Saunby. I got married in April 2023 and became Mrs Caborn.

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Brooks
Mrs Brooks is one of our wonderful teaching assistants. She has worked in Key Stage One for a number of years supporting children in Years 1 and 2.
As well as giving outstanding support to our children, she is also part of our wonderful Children and Families team. We are extremely lucky to have her this year!
Home Learning
Home-school diaries need to be brought in to school every day as we often use them during lessons, especially guided reading and spellings.
Reading at home will be checked on a Thursday – try to read three times a week to earn a special treat at the end of each half term!
Spellings will be tested every Friday. Maths homework will be sent out every fortnight online via Doodle Learning. If you would like any extra homework or activities to support your child’s learning, please just pop and see me.

PE Sessions
We have P.E lessons on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing.
Please make sure your child has a full P.E kit including a white t shirt, black shorts and pumps/trainers for outdoor sessions.
You may also wish to provide a tracksuit for your child to wear for outdoor P.E lessons during the colder months. If your child has long hair please provide a hair bobble for them to tie their hair up. If your child has pierced ears please provide them with tape to cover their ears.
PE days can change with little notice so try to make sure your child has a PE kit everyday!

Our Curriculum

Autumn 1 – All Creatures Great And Small
This half term, we will be exploring the wonderful world of animals and their habitats. We will be studying the different classifications of animals and will look at why they are well suited to their environments. We will also be getting up close and personal with some live creatures during our session with a wildlife expert.

Autumn 2 – Winter Wonderland
During our Autumn 2 half term, we will be opening the wardrobe into the wonderful world of Narnia. We will be using our five senses to describe the winter wonderland and will take inspiration from C.S Lewis’ novel ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ for our own creative writing. This half term, we will also be preparing for our Christmas production of ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’. What an exciting half term we have planned!

Spring 1 & 2 – Incredible India
For our multi-cultural term, we will be studying the incredible country of India. We will be learning all about the traditions and religions of the people of India as well as sampling some of their delicious Indian dishes. We will be exploring some of India’s most famous landmarks and cities in Geography and will be learning some Bollywood and Bhangra dancing in PE. It’s going to be ‘shaanadaar’!
Story time in Class 8
We are currently reading…
Space Band by Tom Fletcher
An out-of-this-world new adventure from bestselling author of THE DANGER GANG and THE CHRISTMASAURUS, Tom Fletcher.
George, Neila and Bash are the worst band on Earth. George wants them to be brilliant – but Neila has stage fright, and Bash is too distracted by his obsession with stars, aliens and faraway planets. But what they lack in talent and confidence, they make up for in heart.
They’re determined to blow their friends away at their school Battle of the Bands contest. But the moment they start to play…
They’re beamed up into space!!!
Now the kids face an even bigger challenge: Battle of the Bands, but the intergalactic version. They’re competing against alien bands from every galaxy! And if they don’t win, they might never make it home again… Can the worst band on Earth become the best band in the universe?

A Year In The Life Of Class 8

Learning links for parents
Here are a few useful links for you to use at home to support your child with their learning. If you would like any extra resources to use at home, feel free to ask at the door or email via our year group email.
Daily 10 – Mental Maths Challenge – Topmarks
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)
Archery Arithmetic – Multiplication – Mathsframe