In Key Stage 1, we have five classes in total. Classes 5 and 6 are Year 1 classes and are taught by Mrs Finney and Miss Barker. Class 7 is a mixed Year 1 and 2 class and is taught by Miss Quinn. Classes 8 and 9 are Year 2 classes and are taught by Mrs Caborn and Mrs Marsden.
Our KS1 Curriculum 2024-2025

Autumn 1 – All Creatures Great And Small
This half term, we will be exploring the wonderful world of animals and their habitats. We will be studying the different classifications of animals and will look at why they are well suited to their environments. We will also be getting up close and personal with some live creatures during our session with a wildlife expert.

Autumn 2 – Winter Wonderland
During our Autumn 2 half term, we will be opening the wardrobe into the wonderful world of Narnia. We will be using our five senses to describe the winter wonderland and will take inspiration from C.S Lewis’ novel ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ for our own creative writing. This half term, we will also be preparing for our Christmas production of ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’. What an exciting half term we have planned!

Spring 1 – Incredible India
For our multi-cultural term, we will be studying the incredible country of India. We will be learning all about the traditions and religions of the people of India as well as sampling some of their delicious Indian dishes. We will be exploring some of India’s most famous landmarks and cities in Geography and will be learning some Bollywood and Bhangra dancing in PE. It’s going to be ‘shaanadaar’!