Welcome to Class 10
Welcome to Class 10! Miss Turner and Mrs Rawlinson are our class teachers and we are supported by the fantastic Mrs Childs and Mrs Taylor-Ward.
We are a class of 35 hard-working and wonderful children who have a love for learning. Our aim is to try our very best each day in everything that we do whilst being polite, caring and friendly members of the Thorpe Hesley family.
2024-2025 is going to be an exciting year for our class and our school so take a look on our page to see what we have been getting up to!
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns or alternatively, we can be contacted via our year group email THPYear3@NCLT.ac.uk.
We have had an excellent start to the new year already!
P.E. Days
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please make sure your child has a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps/trainers with them for these days. For outdoor PE, your child will need black joggers and a jumper/hoodie. Please ensure that this is in school at school at all times. PE kits should be brought in a draw-string bag.
Homework is set on a weekly basis and is now set on our new online platform, Doodle Learning. Your child will be set homework on a Friday and this is to be completed online at home by the following Friday (It will alternate between English and maths). Spellings are sent home weekly and should be practised throughout the week and transferred into writing. You will find your child’s spellings in their reading diaries.
Curriculum Booklets
Autumn Term – Stone Age Through the Ages Curriculum Booklet Y3 Final
Spring Term – Brazil Carnival de Brazil Curriculum Booklet
As a class, we are working together to achieve our Reading Reward, which means we must be making an effort to read at home as much as possible! It is important to record when your child has read at home in their reading record to help your child earn their all-important reading tokens! Please ensure that you hear your child read at least 3 times a week as an absolute minimum – the more reading that takes place, the better our literacy, language and imaginative skills. Your child’s diary should be in school every day and will be checked every Friday by an adult.
Useful Resources and Games
We are always aiming to strengthen the skills we learn at school and there is no where better to do it than at home. Dive into some of the links below and let the children show you just how amazing they are!