Class 16 is made up of 25 wonderful, unique Year 6 pupils. Our Class Teacher is Mr Meares and across Y6 there is a great team made up of Mrs Fox, Mrs Jones and Miss Cunningham.
If you have any questions or concerns, the best time to catch us is after school or via our year group email –
Our P.E days are Wednesday and Friday. Homework and spellings are due every Friday.
“It is important to remember that we all have magic inside us.” ~J.K. Rowling

Kits to be in school at all times but our PE days will be Mondays and Fridays.
Homework is set weekly on a Friday and is due in the following Friday. This will alternate between English and maths (set once a fortnight by your child’s maths teacher). Spellings are sent home weekly.
Every Friday spellings are collected, tested and a new set will be sent home. You will find these in our school planners. It is very important that spellings are practised and transferred into writing.
In Class 18, we are all working hard to achieve our Reading Reward. To do this, we need to read at home as much as possible to get lots of Starbucks Reading tokens. To help your child earn their reading tokens, record this when you read with them at home. Please ensure that they read at least 3 times a week but remember…the more the better! Reading will be checked every Tuesday but school planners should be in school every day.
What we’ve been learning
Their Call of Duty … Their Finest Hour… Autumn Term
This term we will be learning all about World War 2 and the impact that it has had on society today. As part of our topic, the children will be learning about life during war time and imagining themselves as an evacuee, about rationing and why this was implemented and understanding the Blitz (to name just a few things!). We will also be looking at some more mature topics such as the holocaust which will allow the children to work on their discussion and empathy skills.
There will be lots of cross-curricular work taking place, particularly linked to English and Mathematics.