WC 9th December: Christmas Performances
December 12, 2024 7:42 pm Comments Off on WC 9th December: Christmas PerformancesI have been so proud of our Nursery, Reception, Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 children this week in their Christmas…
I have been so proud of our Nursery, Reception, Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 children this week in their Christmas…
We had a fabulous day visiting the Rotherham Civic Pantomime! The show was fabulous and we all enjoyed joining in!…
We have had a very busy day in school getting very festive indeed! Our children sang their hearts out at…
Year 4 had lots of fun on Wednesday for their Viking Day making longboats and Powerpoints to showcase all that…
Thank you to Reverand Lynn for showing our Year 3 children around the Church to support their learning in RE…
Today our teachers were challenged to provide a full of day learning with NO WRITING ALLOWED! This was to highlight…
So proud of our school choir for their performance at the Christmas tree lights switch on at Holy Trinity Church.…
Our children enjoyed dressing up in bright colours to celebrate difference whilst raising money for Children in Need.
Our girls absolutely did us proud today representing our school in the Rotherham Y5/6 Girls Football tournament. They won their…
It has been great to see children across school embracing anti-bullying week. We kicked off the week with special assemblies…