Welcome to Class 9!
In Class 9, we are a fabulous group of 28 children and lovely adults.
Our teacher is called Mrs Marsden.
We have Mrs Howard and Mrs Bamford supporting us in lessons.
The children in Class 9 have already shown me what great readers they are. Please could you try and make sure your reading record is in school every day.
Reading regularly at home also means rewards: 3 times a week – you earn a reading ticket which contributes to our whole class reading reward and 1 Golden Ticket. Reading more than 3 times a week will mean that you get 2 Golden Tickets and 2 reading tickets.
Children will need to bring their Little Wandle book back every Friday so that these can be changed.
We also have our wonderful reading spine book to take home. These can be changed on a Friday.
Maths homework will be set on a fortnightly basis. Tasks will be set based on the learning you have been doing with your maths teacher. It will be set on Doodle Learning and your child’s log in is available in their Reading Diary.
Spellings will be given every Friday and tested the following week. Remember to practise them every day please. 🙂 Full marks in the spelling test will mean a Golden Ticket.
Our year group email is: THPYear2@nclt.ac.uk
Class 9 Gallery

Curriculum Booklets
Our PE days are Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.
(Please make sure your PE kit is in a drawstring bag. Please make sure the PE kit consists of a plain white T-Shirt, black shorts, pumps/trainers and a tracksuit for outside PE. If your child’s ears are pierced, please bring ear tape. Long hair should also be tied up for our PE lessons.
Useful Resources and Games
Here are some useful resources and games that can help with learning.
Spelling game – Little Birds
I love this one – chose the year group and then chose the spellings that you would like to practise.
Hit the Button
Versatile maths game – practice doubles, halves, number bonds and times tables.
Save the Whale
Number bonds to 10 – such a useful set of facts to know. We use them for so many parts of our maths. Practice them with this lovely game.
Coconut ordering
Good number ordering game.
Mental maths train
We have been doing lots of work on mental maths strategies in class – have a go by choosing the operation on the train.
Daily 10
A mental maths game. Choose level 1 or 2.
Teaching clock
This is the clock that we have been using in class
Poetry online
Some wonderful poems, read aloud – really worth a look.
Days of the week
Learn the order and spelling of days of the week.
Dinosaur eggs phonics game
High frequency words reading and spelling
Place value sharks
Practice your place value here.
Hickory Dickory Dock
Practice time – year ones work on level 1 for now.
Big Brown Bear
In year 1 we start learning about suffixes and in year 2 we learn about their spelling rules. Here is a nice game to start to understand that suffixes only make sense on some words. Build the jigsaws.
100 square splat
This is the 100 square that we use in class a lot. Its so useful for understanding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, multiples of 10 and counting in 2s or 5s.
Gaitor More or Less
Struggling with more or less? Here is the Gaitor song to help remember that the alligator’s mouth always opens to the largest number.