Here at Thorpe Hesley Primary School we want to nurture our young mathematicians by providing them with a secure understanding of the number system and to give them confidence in using a range of reliable strategies to help them add, subtract, multiply and divide when solving problems both in school and in adult life.
We appreciate that these foundations need to be presented to children in a range of creative and stimulating contexts and this is evidenced in our fun and enriching maths curriculum which is presented to children from the minute they enter our Nursery and is deepened as children move through KS1 and 2. We also provide our children with experiences of fractions, shape, measures and statistics in a range of creative and thought-provoking contexts to support them in their mathematical journey and help them to appreciate the power of numeracy whilst encouraging curiosity as they become Thorpe Hesley’s most conscientious math-magicians!
The three main aims of the national curriculum are for all children to be fluent, to be able to reason and problem solve. Some children may require more support at times, but we would still expect them to be exposed to reasoning and problem-solving questions. We vary the level of challenge in our reasoning and problem-solving questions so that some are accessible to every child while others help stretch thinking and deepen understanding.
Please see below what your child will be learning throughout the year (Our Long Term Overview) and our Calculation Policy.

White Rose Maths
At Thorpe Hesley Primary School we appreciate the core concepts behind a scheme of learning called White Rose Maths. This organisation provides maths resources and activities for pupils of all ages, from early years to secondary school. The White Rose Schemes of Learning outline yearly frameworks that break down what children need to learn during each week of each term to master the statutory learning objectives laid out by the National Curriculum. Our school’s maths-lessons are aligned with the White Rose Maths frameworks and are designed to be enjoyable, engaging and varied, to help pupils develop a love of learning and work towards mastery. White Rose Maths helps children develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics by using concrete (actual) objects – like counters, cubes, Numicon etc, pictorial representations (pictures and images) and then will stretch young minds into more abstract thinking- by solving problems and using mathematical reasoning. This inclusive approach is based on the principles of cognitive psychology and child development. Although we admire and regularly use White Rose maths, we do not use the activities verbatim. Our teachers enjoy tailoring maths lessons to suit their class and the activities that children use in their daily maths lessons are carefully selected or home-made to engage children and optimise learning.
TT Rockstars
In order to raise the profile of times tables within school and to improve the fluency, recall and accuracy of the key times-tables, we use Times Table Rockstars (or TTRS). Each child is given a log in so they can access TTRS online both at home and at school. Teachers in school monitor involvement on the website and can see how regularly and how well children are doing. Teachers can set the level of difficulty of the times tables according to children’s needs, ensuring each child can access times tables at their particular ability. We celebrate children’s commitment to the website in school in many ways and whole heartedly believe that practising times tables in this way – little and often – results in improved fluency and recall of times tables. We thank you for your support with this at home and hope to see your child on a TTRS Leader board some time soon.
From time to time you will also see in-school and inter-school Battles….. please encourage your child to get involved!
Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4
The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions. All children in year 4 will answer 3 practice questions before moving on to the offcial check and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fuently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help your child’s school to identify pupils who may need additional support,
At THPS we offer a meeting for parents early in the academic year to give further information about completing the check.
Supporting your child at home
Everyone knows that school is not the only place where children learn. Home life plays a vital part in the development of children both emotionally, socially and academically. With this in mind, we strongly encourage parents and carers to get involved with all areas of our childrens’ education and to support with homework tasks.
Completing maths tasks at home, is extremely valuable for your children and we encourage adults to join in with your child’s numeracy learning out of school. This may include helping with homework or it may involve providing children with little maths tasks at home, eg. counting or grouping objects, counting coins and working out costs, calculating change at the shop, measuring ingredients and learning times tables. For more ideas on how you can help your child, or with any homework questions, please do not hesitate to call in to school and speak to the teachers.
Parental involvement in maths is of upmost importance and we want to thank you for your continued support with this.
Useful Links and Resources
Nursery and Reception
Wonderful set of activities to support your young child with their mathematical development.
Top marks
A great website that directs you to some of the activities and games that your foundation stage child may be familiar with at school.
This website shows you some of the rich mathematical activities you can complete with your child.
National Numeracy
This fabulous website provides many ideas and activities that you can do with your young children at home to develop their mathematical ability and thinking.
Key Stage 1
This website shows you some of the rich mathematical activities you can complete with your child.
National Numeracy
This fabulous website provides many ideas and activities that you can do with your young children at home to develop their mathematical ability and thinking.
BBC Bitesize
Superb and well resourced website providing games and videos for each area of the curriculum.
Oxford Owl
Plenty of tips and advice on how to support your child.
Key Stage 2
This website shows you some of the rich mathematical activities you can complete with your child.
National Numeracy
This fabulous website provides many ideas and activities that you can do with your young children at home to develop their mathematical ability and thinking.
BBC Bitesize
Superb and well resourced website providing games and videos for each area of the curriculum.
Oxford Owl
Plenty of tips and advice on how to support your child.