Welcome to Class 7!
Class 7 is a mixed class consisting of 11 year 1 children and 14 year 2 children. Our class teacher is Miss Quinn and Miss Hives is the HLTA who will be teaching on a Tuesday afternoon. We also have the lovely Mrs Taylor who is our Teaching Assistant and works with us Tuesday- Friday.
Our class moto is: ‘If you believe in yourself anything is possible’.
Polite reminder that book bags and class journals need to be in school everyday please!
This year we have brand new class journals where you can find lots of useful information on ways that you can support your child at home. Please ensure that these are in school on a daily basis so that home reading can be tracked and weekly comments added. We continue to ask that you read with your child at least three times a week, I will be tracking this weekly on our ‘reading at home’ chart. Those children that read three times a week or more will be given a ‘reading reward’ at the end of each half term.
Reading books will now be changed once a week (usually on a Friday) and an additional reading spine book will be sent home on a fortnightly basis. Maths homework will be set fortnightly using the online Doodle learning account, please ensure it is completed as this will be checked by staff on a regular basis.
Spellings will need to be practised each week (on a separate piece of paper) and will be sent home in the new class journals. The children will be tested on these the following week so please ensure that they are practised throughout the week.
Our PE days are on a Monday and Thursday so please make sure your child has the correct kit on a Monday morning. Children are required to wear a white t-shirt and black shorts as their indoor kit. We will start outdoor PE in the Spring term when the children will then require black pumps or trainers and a black jacket for those chillier days. Long hair will need to be tied up and earrings covered or removed before school on PE days. You are required to supply tape in your child’s PE bag and hair bobbles where necessary.
I am looking forward to an amazing year with your children and should you need to speak to me please let me know at the end of the day or contact me via our year group email- THPyear2@nclt.ac.uk or THPyear1@nclt.ac.uk
Miss Quinn x
Useful Resources and Games
Here are some useful resources and games that can help with learning.
Spelling game – Little Birds
I love this one – chose the year group and then chose the spellings that you would like to practise.
Hit the Button
Versatile maths game – practice doubles, halves, number bonds and times tables.
Save the Whale
Number bonds to 10 – such a useful set of facts to know. We use them for so many parts of our maths. Practice them with this lovely game.
Coconut ordering
Good number ordering game.
Mental maths train
We have been doing lots of work on mental maths strategies in class – have a go by choosing the operation on the train.
Daily 10
A mental maths game. Choose level 1 or 2.
Teaching clock
This is the clock that we have been using in class
Poetry online
Some wonderful poems, read aloud – really worth a look.
Days of the week
Learn the order and spelling of days of the week.
Dinosaur eggs phonics game
High frequency words reading and spelling
Place value sharks
Practice your place value here.
Hickory Dickory Dock
Practice time – year ones work on level 1 for now.
Big Brown Bear
In year 1 we start learning about suffixes and in year 2 we learn about their spelling rules. Here is a nice game to start to understand that suffixes only make sense on some words. Build the jigsaws.
100 square splat
This is the 100 square that we use in class a lot. Its so useful for understanding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, multiples of 10 and counting in 2s or 5s.
Gaitor More or Less
Struggling with more or less? Here is the Gaitor song to help remember that the alligator’s mouth always opens to the largest number.
Curriculum Booklet
Autumn 1 – All Creatures Great And Small
Autumn 2 – Winter Wonderland
Spring 1 – Incredible India