Welcome to Class 14!
Class 14 is made up of 32 wonderful year 5 students. Our class teacher is Miss Clarke and we are lucky enough to have the support a few fantastic teaching assistants with Mrs Brooke, Miss Rollinson & Miss Grace all working in our class throughout the week.
During the Autumn term, our first topic will be a whole-school creativity focus on the Paris Paralympics! This will then be followed by our Year 5 topic ‘The Miracle of Medicine!’ which will focus on learning about medicine through time. This will include modern medical breakthroughs and even some gruesome remedies from the past.
Our Spring term topic, The Democratic Republic of Congo, will allow the children to explore this Central African country through learning about its location, culture and traditions.
If you have any questions or concerns, the best time to catch me is after school or via our year group email – THPYear5@nclt.ac.uk

We will mostly be having our PE days on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. However, please ensure that you bring your PE kit to school all week. This should be kept in a drawstring bag. You need a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps or trainers. For outdoor PE, you might also want black tracksuit bottoms and a jumper. Please make sure you have tape to cover pierced ears and a hair band to tie back long hair.
Wellies are now part of our school uniform, for use when we learn outside. Please make sure you have your wellies in school every day, in a plastic bag. The tracksuit bottoms or leggings from your PE kit will be also be used to cover any bare legs when we work in the woodland.
Homework will be set every Friday (now on Doodle Learning), this will alternate between a maths or English activity based on our current learning. This should be completed by the following Friday. This will also include weekly spellings which will be tested the following Friday.
We are continuing to use the home school diaries to record both home reading, as well as reading with an adult in school. These should be taken to and from school every day. Remember that for every 3 times you read in a week, you will get a reading reward ticket and for reading 4 times or more, you will get 2 tickets! As a class, we are set a target (200!) for the number of reading tokens that we need to earn each half term, if we meet it, then the whole class get to enjoy a reward.
Curriculum Booklets
Useful Resources and Games
We are always aiming to strengthen the skills we learn at school and there is no where better to do it than at home. Dive into some of the links below and let the children show you just how amazing they are!