Welcome to Class 15!
Class 15 is made up of 36 wonderful Year 5 students. Our class teachers are Mrs Lumb and Mrs Blakemore and we are lucky enough to have the support of Mrs Ellis as well.

Mrs Lumb

Mrs Blakemore

Mrs Ellis
During the Autumn term, our first topic will be a whole-school project based around the Paralympics in Paris. This will be followed by our Year 5 topic ‘The Miracle of Medicine’ which will focus on learning about medicine through time. This will begin with the Ancient Greeks followed by some of the gruesome remedies of the Middle Ages right up to modern medical breakthroughs and the creation of the NHS. In English we will be reading Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman which focuses on Xenotransplantation.
During the Spring term, our topic will be ‘Hear the Congo Rhythm’ which will focus on learning about the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This will begin with the colonisation of Africa and Francophone countries before moving on to look at the landscape and climate of the DRC with a particular focus on deforestation and flooding in the country. In English we will be reading Journey to Jo’burg by Beverley Naidoo which focuses on two brave children who will do anything to save their sister during apartheid in South Africa.
If you have any questions or concerns, the best time to catch us is after school or via our year group email – THPYear5@nclt.ac.uk
Homework will be set on Doodle Learning every Friday: this will be alternate between maths and English and will support work being taught in class. This should be completed by the following Friday. There will also be weekly spellings which will be tested the following Friday.
We will be continuing to use the new planners to record both home reading, as well as reading with an adult in school. These should be taken to and from school every day. Remember that for every 3 times you read in a week, you will get a reading reward ticket and for reading 4 times or more, you will get 2 tickets! As a class, we are set a target (250!) for the number of reading tokens that we need to earn each half term. If we meet it, then the whole class get to enjoy a reward.
Curriculum Booklets
Student Council…
In Class 15, the children voted for who they would like to be school councillor and the chosen one was….Austin G.
Useful Resources and Games
We are always aiming to strengthen the skills we learn at school and there is no where better to do it than at home. Dive into some of the links below and let the children show you just how amazing they are!