Welcome to Class 20!
Welcome to Class 20! Miss Stephenson and Mrs Foxton are our class teachers this year, with Mrs Smelt, Miss Cunningham and Mrs Taylor-Ward working alongside us too!
We are a class of 22 hard-working children and a team of dedicated staff with the same goal – to excel and achieve whilst having fun and making the most magical primary school memories.
Take a look at some of the creative learning we have produced so far this year.
We can be contacted via the main office, before or after school or by using the year group email:

Class Teacher

Class Teacher


Teaching Assistant
Our PE days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons. Please make sure you have your PE kit in school with you everyday (indoor and outdoor kit).
Homework is set weekly on a Friday and is due in the following Friday and spellings are sent home weekly.
Every Friday spellings are collected, tested and a new set will be sent home. You will find these in our school planners. It is very important that spellings are practised and transferred into writing.
In Class 20, we are all working hard to achieve our Reading Reward. To do this, we need to read at home as much as possible to get lots of Reading tokens. To help your child earn their reading tokens, record this when you read with them at home. Please ensure that they read at least 3 times a week but remember…the more the better! Reading will be checked every Friday but school planners should be in school every day.
What we’ve been learning
Let’s Go Wild
To kick off the year, for our whole creative school topic, we have been busy producing some of amazing pieces of work around David Attenborough and rewilding which has been focusing on what we can do around the school grounds to increase our biodiversity.
Step Back in Crime
We will be focussing on the theme of Crime and Punishment from the Tudors to the 21st Century. This will start with an enquiry question based on Crime & Punishment and the following lessons will allow children to find further information in order to answer the enquiry question.
Their Call of Duty … Their Finest Hour … Spring Term
This term we will be learning all about World War 2 and the impact that it has had on society today. As part of our topic, the children will be learning about life during war time and imagining themselves as an evacuee, about rationing and why this was implemented and understanding the Blitz (to name just a few things!). We will also be looking at some more mature topics such as the holocaust which will allow the children to work on their discussion and empathy skills.
There will be lots of cross-curricular work taking place, particularly linked to English and Mathematics.
When the Sky Falls – Spring Term
An extraordinary story with historical and family truth at its heart, that tells us as much about the present as the past. Deeply felt, movingly written, a remarkable achievement’ Michael Morpurgo
1941. War is raging. And one angry boy has been sent to the city, where bombers rule the skies. There, Joseph will live with Mrs F, a gruff woman with no fondness for children. Her only loves are the rundown zoo she owns and its mighty silverback gorilla, Adonis. As the weeks pass, bonds deepen and secrets are revealed, but if the bombers set Adonis rampaging free, will either of them be able to end the life of the one thing they truly love?
The Wonder of You
This term the children will be exploring and
understanding themselves both physically and emotionally.
With the upcoming transition to secondary school, we will be
preparing and supporting the children to aid them ready to
start their secondary journey. This term, the children have got
their upcoming residential to Scarborough, where the children
will develop their independence, team building skills and
maturity not forgetting that there will be lots and laughs and
exciting memories made!
This term the children will be reading Wonder which tells the incredibly inspiring, heart-warming story of August Pullman. Born with facial differences that, up until now, have prevented him from going to a mainstream school, Auggie becomes the most unlikely of heroes when he enters the local fifth grade.
Curriculum Booklets
Year 6 Information
Useful Resources and Games
We are always aiming to strengthen the skills we learn at school and there is no where better to do it than at home. Dive into some of the links below and let the children show you just how amazing they are!