We kicked off this term with a whole school ‘Let’s Go Wild’ theme, where children learnt all about British wildlife and what we can do to look after it by taking action and recreating and celebrating wild places. Over the first 2 weeks of term, children took part in a variety of wild workshops including outdoor poetry workshops and musical theatre workshops run by Rotherham Children’s Capital of Culture Team, den building with Sheffield Wildlife Trust and land art workshops run by local artist, James Brunt. We were also visited by an owl charity and children learnt all about these beautiful creatures.
In addition to these fabulous workshops, there has been a whole host of activities across school, all with a focus on British wildlife. There has been a real buzz around school and it has been lovely to see our children genuinely excited about nature and keen to make a difference.
We are also teaming up with Nature Recovery Rotherham and Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust to go for our Wilder Rotherham Award by allocating space within our school grounds for wildlife, through longer grasses, less mowing, tree planting, wildflower and bulb planting.