School Council
Our School Council is made up of a pupil representative from each class. They are democratically elected by their own class after either writing or speaking a manifesto.
Meetings take place frequently and their role is to ensure the smooth running of school, voice their peers thoughts and suggest and implement activities which will improve our school.
The group are also responsible for ensuring our role within the local community is a positive one.
They complete a range of tasks, both as an individual key stage, and across the stages. These are used to develop our school and our community.

Head Pupils

Head Boy

Head Girl

Deputy Head Boy

Deputy Head Girl
School Council News
Rotherham Anti-Bullying Award
Our Head Boy and Head Girl attended the Rotherham Anti-Bullying Award at Gulliver’s Valley during the autumn term where they received the Gold Award from Ann Foxley-Johnson. We have worked extremely hard over the last few years to promote anti-bullying in school and were very lucky to attend the event alongside other schools.
Fundraising March 2023
School council have been very busy selling buns and drinks! Parents and children were invited to look around our wonderful displays in both builldings to celebrate our fantastic work! School council raised £29 and will meet after the Easter holidays to discuss ideas for further fundraising ideas!
Fundraising 2023
School councillors spoke to the children in their classes and decided that they would like to spend the money they had raised from our ‘Carols around the tree’ service on two new basketball nets.
Fundraising Christmas 2022
School Councillors decided that they would like to do some fundraising at our ‘Carols Around the Tree’ event. They decided that they would like to sell cones of sweets for adults and children to buy. Our fantastic School Councillors made up the bags of sweets themselves, made signs and posters to promote their ideas and sold the sweets and drinks themselves at the event. School Council raised an amazing £58.03! Scgool Councillors also performed a dance at the event! Please take a look at our photographs!
Remembrance Service 2022
In the second autumn term, the school council met to discuss the Remembrance service we were attending at church. We took the poppies to church and placed them at the war memorial statue. We have also thought of some ways we can raise money at the carols around the Christmas tree service at school in December.